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Hi, I'm Kartikay

Web developer, Game developer,

Engineering Student, Musician.

About me

I am a Computer Science and Engineering Undergrad at IIITD, India. When I was little, I played a lot of video games, which made me wonder how computers really work.

Now, I am studying exactly that.

I am passionate about learning almost everything related to computers, be it web development, game development, or Web3.

I also write blogs and articles on random topics that come to my mind.
My other interests include playing the guitar, playing video games, exercising, and being fashionable

Feel free to reach out to me via the contact form below or through my socials!

You can also check out some projects below!


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My work


Given the thumbnails and titles of two YT videos, can you tell which has more views?

Tech used: Flask,HTML,CSS,
Youtube Public APi

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